직원들은 이곳을 일하기 좋은 기업이라 말합니다.
회사 소개
Keysight Korea was established in 55 years ago in headquartered in Seoul, Yeouido, and has an office in Daejeon and Daegu. 200+ vibrant employees focus on Sales & Marketing, Technical service and support, and various office work.
Keysight Kore is at the forefront of customers, and we work to achieve sustainable sales growth and help customers innovate and contribute to the development of a better works. Also, we provide testing solutions that include test instruments and systems, software design tools and electronic monitoring for Test & Measurement markets addressing the needs of companies in the semiconductor, electronics, communications, and related industries.
회사 규모
Manufacturing & Production
구성원 통계
근속 연수
대한민국 전체 설문결과 평균 56% 와 비교했을 때, 79% 의 키사이트테크놀로지스코리아 구성원들은 이곳이 일하기 좋은 일터라고 말합니다.
출처 : Great Place to Work® 2019 한국인 직원 참여 연구.