직원들은 이곳을 일하기 좋은 기업이라 말합니다.
회사 소개
BorgWarner Inc. is an American automotive supplier headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan. The company maintains production facilities and technical systems at 82 in 21 countries worldwide and has around 40,000 employees.BorgWarner is currently developing and working on clean and efficient future technologies for all types of propulsion:combustion engine, hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle. EGR Valve and Ignition coil are main product of the Chungju plant. Main customer is Hyundai Kia Motor Company,sales on year 2023 is about 70B. KRW.
회사 규모
Manufacturing & Production
구성원 통계
근속 연수
대한민국 전체 설문결과 평균 43% 와 비교했을 때, 83% 의 보그워너충주 구성원들은 이곳이 일하기 좋은 일터라고 말합니다.
출처 : Great Place to Work® 2021 한국인 직원 참여 연구.